Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 25 of Phase 2

Day 27 of a 42 day program
Weight: 202.4

To see that weight you would think I got away with cheating. Trust me, I suffered. I was sick to my stomach and in the bathroom most of last night. I would say I slept maybe 3 hours total. Diarrhea is not the way that I wanted to lose weight.

I was back on the plan today and I feel pretty good about it. Hopefully my break from protocol is over and I can tap into some new strength to get through the remainder of the program.

As for tonight, I am going to bed early. I have sleep to make up.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 24 of Phase 2

Day 26 of a 42 day program
Weight: 203.6

There is something seriously wrong with me this week. I don't know how to describe it. I hate to blame any one thing: stress, crazy schedule, etc, but something is definitely not working in my will power department. What am I talking about?


Not just something I made at home, I'm talking Tex-Mex, restaurant-style, dripping with oil fajitas. I didn't eat the beans (refried) that came with it, nor did I have cheese or sour cream on them. I even didn't touch the tortilla, but the oil dripping from the food was enough to lube up a __________________ (insert inappropriate simile here). I watched myself shovel the food (at least it was just chicken, onions and bell peppers) into my mouth. I ate what was probably at least 2 1/2 servings! I ate the WHOLE DAMN THING.

Now I'm home, uncomfortably full, and guilt laden. Why? Why? Why? I know better. It is like for the last 2 days I have been sabotaging my progress. I want so badly to get below 200. Hell my ultimate goal is 175. I am never going to get there if I keep this $h!t up!

I am scared to death about what the scale will say tomorrow... I got a reprieve this morning, but I doubt the diet gods will be so gracious tomorrow.

I am so disappointed in myself I can hardly even think of what to write. Ok, so I am going to get off here, take a bath, get out and stand buck naked in front of the mirror. If a long hard look at myself in the buff doesn't scare me back onto the right path, I don't know what will.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 23 of Phase 2

Day 25 of a 42 day program
Weight: 203.8

Wonderful weigh in this morning! I was so excited for the day to get started. Seeing that number brought with it a sense of renewed drive for the diet!

At least it did for the following 30 min.s. After that, things changed...

Today was my day off from the office, and I had hoped to spend it writing and doing some housework while my son was at preschool, then after picking him up spending some time as a mom. That sounded great to me, it's just not what happened. Instead the phone calls from the office started and continued. Staffing problems. Strike that, problem with a staff member. By the time 10 am rolled around I was so frustrated that I was already thinking of cheating. I guess stress makes me hungry.

I made it to lunch and had my tuna and some cucumber slices, an apple and Melba toast. I was good. It took all I had to just stick to the plan, but I did it.

The phone calls, texts, complaints, etc, all kept coming...

Then it happened. Once my son was home he wanted a "peep" as a snack. I was on the phone with the office and before I knew what I was doing I was chewing on a peep myself. I don't even like peeps... 37 calories. That is what that one peep equaled. 37 wasted calories.

By the time dinner rolled around I was beyond tired of the drama that I had been dealing with. I made stuffed bell peppers (with ground chicken). Had mine all weighed out and used Melba toast crumbs instead of rice in mine. I ate it like I had never had a bite of food in my life, so of course, because I ate it so fast, I was still REALLY hungry. I know this is wrong, and I know I should have fought the thoughts, but I honestly said (in my head) WTH, You already blew the diet for the day with the peep, might as well go all out! So I did. I ate the other 1/2 of my son's bell pepper. It had more sauce than I needed. It was made with rice and of course it was topped with a large blob of melted mozzarella cheese. Frankly it was, at that moment, the best thing I had ever eaten.

I know that I should feel guilt, and I am sure that I will tomorrow when I step up on the scale and see the number go way up, but right now I don't. I know it sounds nuts, not to mention anti-HCG protocol, but it was as if I NEEDED something more today. It wasn't a Chick-fil-a Cookies-n-Cream milkshake (570 calories for a small!), and to be honest I seriously thought about getting one, but it was still cheating and I know that I cannot do it again. Unfortunately, for tonight I am OK with my choice. Ask me tomorrow if I still feel the same way and I am probably going to tell you "Hell NO!", but for right now, I am OK.

If I do go WAY up tomorrow (over a pound) then I will do an apple day again. That would definitely be a good punishment for the cheating, not to mention a good way to get back on track. I'm still gonna try like heck to get to 200 by Sunday. Hopefully I have not screwed that up too badly. I may have to take Kemi's advice and do a few dancing sessions just to burn off some extra fat and/or calories.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 22 of Phase 2

Day 24 of a 42 day program
Weight: 205.2

The weigh-in this morning was disappointing as hell. There are no two ways around that fact. Down only 0.2. This is why I didn't want to jump and say I was off my plateau. I don't think I am.

I do have some positive things to report. Today I wore a pair of scrub pants to clinic that I have never been able to wear before. They were a pair that a friend (also a co-worker) and I had bought (matching pairs). She fit into hers, but mine were...well...tight. I could stand in them, but to sit down would run the risk of tearing the cloth across my large thighs. So needless to say I bought them saying they were "a good incentive to loose weight". That was 3 years ago. I have never lost enough weight to be comfortable in the pants. Today, I put them on and was so happy to find they were actually too big. Thankfully they are smaller than the pants I have been wearing to work so I don't look like M.C. Hammer in excessively baggy pants anymore, but I did make it a point to show my friend that I was in fact wearing the pants and that they were too big. Actually, I think I pointed it out to everyone in the office....Even my boss.

Doc asked me how much weight I have lost and I told him about 18 pounds. He smiled and asked if I needed help looking for them (since they are lost). I just laughed and told him, no, that they (the pounds) could stay lost forever and I would be perfectly happy. So yea me! I do think that there is some truth to the adage that if you are not loosing weight you might be loosing inches...I'm kinda liking to loss of inches part.

With that in mind, I am adding a goal to go along with the weight  - I want to be in a size 16 pant by the time this is all said and done. I'll take smaller if I can get it, but I want to be realistic and shoot for a 16. When I started this diet 24 days ago, I was in between a size 22 and a size 24. That is XXL size for the most part. Today my scrub pants were a XL, and for good measure, I tried on an 18 pair of jeans when I got home. Guess what - they fit. Talk about feeling good!

Just for laughs, here is the MC Hammer video "Can't Touch This". Check out his pants and see how I have been wearing mine, just imagine them in black!

With all that positive feelings and thoughts, you would think that I would be in the perfect frame of mind to kick the thought of cheating on this diet right out the door, but nothing is ever quite that easy. Again tonight I struggled with the idea of having just one tortilla along with my meat and bell peppers. The rest of my family were enjoying fajitas with cheese, chips and dip, and here I am with the meat and the equivalent of 1 cup of bell peppers. It was good, and I ate my Melba toast and had an apple afterwards, but still I had to talk myself out of "just one bite" of something that was "not allowed". Maybe that is it. Maybe I want it because I can't have it....Isn't there an old adage about that too?

Dear Kemi,
Thanks for keeping me updated. It has been so great to have your support and know that you are in the same place that I am with this diet. It really helps and I wanted to let you know I am always excited to read what you have written. How did your apple day go? I know by the time my final apple rolled around I was sick of seeing them, much less eating them. Do you do any kind of exercise with your diet? I know my doctor told me to limit the amount of extra calories I burn, but I am wondering if at this stage we need something. Let me know what you have been told and/or think.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 21 of Phase 2

Day 23 of a 42 day program
Weight: 205.4

Happy Easter everyone out there in the vast reaches of the internet. I sincerely hope everyone had a day to reflect on what Easter means to everyone individually - even if it is just another day for non-Christians, I still hope it meant something.

My Easter turned out to be pretty darn good and from an HCG diet standpoint, it was a great day of will power and perseverance. I say this because instead of cooking a traditional Easter dinner, my family (parents, brother, son, husband) all decided to go to a fantastic seafood restaurant for brunch. This restaurant also happens to be one of my most favorite in town, so imagine my great difficulty not ordering what I would normally.

Typically, I would order She crab soup to start, shrimp and grits as the main course, a fantastic slice of cheesecake drizzled with strawberry sauce and topped with cream, and to wash it all down a large glass of southern-style sweet tea. Wow, even just typing it out makes my mouth water with desire! Guess what though, NONE of that is allowed on the HCG diet - well at least not in Phase 2 - so with every ounce of will power I could summon, I ordered 1/4 Lb peel and eat shrimp and asked for a lemon slice and 2 stalks of celery. 1/4 Lb is 4 oz, so for good measure, I gave a shrimp to my brother. I am assuming that was as close to 3.5 oz I was going to get. There was no way I was going to tote my scale with me to the restaurant, so that was just going to have to work. I even ordered a non-sweet tea, and given Stevia is not available at this particular establishment, I used some of the lemon to add a bit of flavor and voila, my Easter brunch meal was created.

My parents didn't say a word and I think I surprised the hell out of the waitress when that was all I ordered. When we got home, I ate my Melba toast and an orange and my husband expressed to me how proud he was that I stuck to my guns on this. That made me feel pretty damn proud of myself and my choice.

Now, tonight was another story....

Dinner was fine. I had fresh tilapia seasoned lightly with Mrs. Dash and some Asparagus sauteed in lemon juice and garlic along with my Melba toast. That was the easy part and it was really good. The problem came with dessert. My son and husband both dove into the Easter candy and that sweet smell of the sugars hit me like a train going 100 miles an hour. I desperately wanted some. As a matter of fact, I wanted something so bad that I actually went into the kitchen and figured out the caloric intake of a single marshmallow peep! Then I tried to think of how much time I would have to spend on the treadmill to work off the one peep and by the time I had just about convinced myself it would be ok, it was time to get my son to bed. Talk about saved by the clock! I can just imagine my guilt had I gone through with it. After all, remember the camping trip? It took me 3 days and a trip to the Dr. to get over that little instance of cheating!

I still have my fruit that I need to eat tonight, and seeing as I am getting this entry done early tonight, I think I will be able to get it in and not have to forgo it. An apple cloud very well be the answer to my sweet tooth issue tonight. We shall see.


As I was recoding my weight, injection time, and injection location time in my HC log this morning, I realized that I am now over 1/2 way though this program. What a great feeling to know that I have stuck with it for over 20 days. This is no easy task and frankly I am very proud of myself for this accomplishment. That goes for everyone other there (Esp. you Kemi) that are right there with me in this journey. We Rock!

My weight today was down, although not as much as I would have liked it to be. I have some suspensions as to why I am not dropping like I was, but I want to do a little research into it before I post my suspicions. I still am not convinced that I have totally left the plateau yet either. If the weight lower again tomorrow, I will officially call it over, but for tonight, I would say I am still teetering on the edge.

My goal for this week is to be in the 100s by this time next Sunday, or at lest right at 200. That may be a really tough thing to do given how weird my losses have been over the last week and a half, but it is only  about 5.5 pounds away. I really want this! It will just mean that I have to be extra strong and not go looking for way to justify cheating.

Here's to a good week!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 19 & 20 of Phase 2

Days 21 and 22 of a 42 day program
Weight: 4/22/11 = 207.4
             4/23/11 = 206.2

The last I left this blog I was in a very frustrating place in my diet journey, to say the least. I woke up that next morning praying that the scale would show me something great. Something that would tell me that this was working. Something that would motivate me to push forward through this dark chapter...

What did I get? -0.2. That was it. Nothing motivating about that. Nothing at all. So I walked back to bed, thought very seriously about crawling back under the covers and having a good cry until I went back to sleep. That was 3 days in the 207 range. In diet terms - I hit a plateau.

So I didn't cry and after several choice curse words directed at my scale, I settled for sitting on my bed with my laptop and began scanning the net for ways to break an HCG diet plateau. I found several sites and several testimonials that explained many people on this diet hit a plateau at one point or another. Well, at least I am normal. Another thing they all had in common was the reference back to Dr. S's original manuscript and his "proven" plateau breakers: Steak day or Apple day. I went with Apple day.

In case you are not familiar with what an "Apple day" is, it is simply - you eat nothing but 6 apples spread out over the entire day. For me that meant a large apple at hours: 8, 10, 12, 2, 4 and 6. No other fruit. Not even the lemon. I did still have my coffee, which I did more for the sake of my coworkers than anyone else, but I did leave out all Stevia as another trick I read was to d/c all artificial sweeteners. That should have been enough, but I wanted to make double sure and I took things a step further. I made parsley tea (not great tasting, especially because I was not using sweeteners) because parsley is a natural diuretic. I figured if I still had any water weight hanging around from my system, this would be a sure fire way to get rid of it.

So did it work? Well, I guess. This morning the weight was 206.2. That is a little over a pound down from the previous day. I am not going to call this a break in the plateau until I have at least one more day of loss.

I say this because today was the first day I attempted to do this. I was out this afternoon, running around doing errands with my parents, son and brother. After we were finished it was the group's decision to head over to an restaurant to have some lunch. It was already after 12 noon and I was hungry. We went to McAlister's Deli, which is a salad and sandwich shop type place. I figured I could find something to eat there.

I ordered a salad with grilled chicken. I should have asked what all came on the salad. When I got it, it had to have at least 3 cups of greens, bacon, cheese, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, croutons and of course there was the side of crackers. I looked at it and just sighed. I asked for a box and began to sift through the salad. Thankfully I had the forethought to order the salad without any dressings, so I didn't have that to worry about, but I think I spent the majority of the time picking out iceberg lettuce (what I thought equaled approximately a cup) and at 3/4 of the chicken. I had no control how they grilled the chicken and I am sure there was some kind of oil that was used, but I hope that it was not enough to make trouble. It is very time consuming to pick through all the good stuff and just eat the lettuce. If there was ever a doubt that I am committed to this diet, that act alone should have squashed it.

Unfortunately my salad picking actions did not go unnoticed by my parents. My father, who is a medical professional, had little to say when I finally explained why I was doing what I was doing. To me that is worse than him just coming out and telling me he thinks I am in the wrong. Silence is a killer.

Surprisingly, my mother, on the other hand, was very supportive. She commented that she knows several people who have worked their way through the program and have been very successful with it. She said she knows that it is a difficult plan and she was very proud that I have been able to stick to it. That was nice. Dad's reaction was still a bummer though.

Anyway, tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I am supposed to have brunch with my entire family at a seafood restaurant in downtown tomorrow after services. So another day of eating out complications. I guess I'll just do the best that I can.

I want to take a moment to address something that was left for me as a reader comment. It is from a woman who is in about the same place that I am in on this crazy diet journey. She said that she had expected to be in the 100s at this point and was disappointed that she, like me is still a few pounds away from it. I cannot tell you how great it is to hear that someone else had the same expectations that I had, and that they too are frustrated with the progress.

I guess the important thing to remember is that we are making progress, even if it is slow progress. That is better than going backwards. Perhaps this is easy for me to write tonight because I had a loss this morning, so chances are when I find myself back in the "dark place" from yesterday, I may need someone to remind me of my small epiphany.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 18 of Phase 2

Day 20 of a 42 day program
Weight: 207.8

As you can see the weight was actually UP today. I have no idea why and I am so frustrated by this that I am on the verge of giving up. At this point, I know it was not the very slight cheating (that was even OK'd by the doctor at my appointment the other day - she said that TINY amount was not going to derail anything). So what the hell? My cycle is over, and I have resumed the injections (as of today), so I just don't get it. All I know is Chick-fil-a was calling my name on the way home and so was a beer when I actually got home (minus the Chick-fil-a by-the-way).

I'm so frustrated at this point, I just have very little to say. I just hope tomorrow, which is Good Friday, is that, a GOOD day.